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Welcome to French Immersion at École St. Thomas!
What is French Immersion? HERE
Is French Immersion right for your child? HERE
How can I access the current École St. Thomas landing page? HERE
How do we learn in French Immersion? HERE
We celebrate 35 years of French Immersion in Lloydminster! HERE (Prime Time Local News)
LCSD celebrates 35 years! HERE
End of Day Parking and Pick Up System Explained
*If you need a parking number, please call us at the office.
School Information In Brief
- Join us on a VIRTUAL TOUR of our school HERE
- Lloydminster's single track Kindergarten to Grade 7 French Immersion school
- Kindergarten Plus+ (Full Day: 3 days a week)
- French Immersion programming follows the Saskatchewan curriculum.
- Entry points for students new to the programs are Kindergarten and Grade 1. Parental requests for other entry points may be allowed after full consultation at the school level.
- Special Education programming in English and French with Educational Assistant help and Speech Language support
- Enhanced educational technologies (wifi, Smart Technologies and video-conferencing)
- REGISTER NOW for French Immersion HERE
- Band program - Grade 5, 6 and 7
- A full Religious Education program is offered at all levels.
- Canadian Parents for French (CPF) provide positive support and program enhancement at the school.
- School Community Council provides help and support to the school in all aspects of program enhancement.
- After School Program available - Hours of operation: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Monday through Friday and 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm on early dismissals. This program operates only on days children are scheduled to be in school.
- Before School Care available- Hours of operation 7:30am-8:30am Monday through Friday.
- Junior Kindergarten available - More information can be found by clicking HERE.